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Here you can find the information about :-
- it is a language for describing how pages of text, garphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked.
- Web Browser
- it is a program that interprets (HTML) command to collect, arrange and display the parts of a web page.
- Java Script
- Effective Web Designing
- Asp
- Joomla
- Planning of Web Application
HTML And Their Relatives Tags
Html elements |
Comman Tags |
Character Formatting Tags |
html tag |
(h1,......,h6) heading tag |
(b) bold tag |
head tag |
(p) paragraph tag |
(i) italic tag |
title tag |
(br) break tag |
(u) underline tag |
body tag |
(pre) preserve tag |
(sup) superscript tag |
(hr) horizontal tag |
(sub) subscript tag |
font tag |
Syntax of using tags and attributes:-
Insides Angle breakets
tag_name attributes_name="value"
HTML Lists
There are three types of HTML List:-
1.Unordered List (ul_tag)
2.Ordered List (ol_tag)
3.Definition List (dl_tag)
insides angle brackets
start tag_name
stop tag_name
Tables in HTML
The main tag in the creation process of a table is "table" tag uses "tr" tag to create a row and "td" tag to insert data into the cell. To create heading, "th" tag can be used. The closing tag "/table" is compulsory. We can use "caption" tag for caption of the table.
start table_tag
stop table_tag
The table tag can have many attributes, some of which are shown in the table below:-
Attributes of Table Tag
S.NO. |
Attributes |
1. |
border |
2. |
bgcolor |
3. |
cellspacing |
4. |
cellpadding |
5. |
width |
6. |
align |
7. |
valign |
"td" Tag also have some attributes
Attributes of "td" Tag
S.NO. |
Attributes |
1. |
align |
2. |
valign |
3. |
bgcolor |
4. |
background |
5. |
width |
6. |
height |
7. |
colspan |
8. |
rowspan |
Images in HTML
To insert an image into a web page , the image first needs to exist in either .jpg, .gif, or .png format.
To embed the image into your web page, use the "img" tag, specifying the actual location of the image.
insides angle brackets
img_tag src="value" alt="value" height="value" width="value" border="value" align="value"
The attributes with "img" tag are listed in the following table:-
Attributes of Img Tag
S.NO. |
Attributes |
1. |
(src) source location |
2. |
(alt) Alternative Text |
3. |
(border) |
4. |
(width) |
5. |
(height) |
6. |
(align) |
7. |
(hspace) Horizontal space |
8. |
(vspace) Vertical space |
Hypertext Links
A link is a connection from one Web resource to another. The hypertext links are also known as hyperlinks or hot-spots.
The tags used to produce links are the "a" and "/a". The "a" tag tells where the links should start and the "/a" tag indicates where the links ends.
insides angle bracketes
a href="target file"
this is the link
HTML Frames
Frames can divide the screen into seperate windows. You can display more than one HTML document in the same browser window with the help of frames.
Each HTML document is calleda frame, and each frame is independent of the others.
A file that specifies how the screen is divided into frames is called a frameset. The frameset page is created witth the use of "framset" tag........"/frameset" tag.
The two most common attributes included with "framset" tag are rows and cols as listed bellow:
attribute |
syntax |
explanation |
rows |
rows="% | * | number" |
Specifies the number or size of rows in a frameset |
cols |
cols="% | * | number" |
Specifies the number or size of rows in a frameset |
The web page to be contained within a frameset is specified by the "frame" tag.
"frame" tag is a tag used for referencing the HTML page that should appear in the frame.
"frame" tag also have some of the below listed attributes:
Attributes of Img Tag
S.NO. |
Attributes |
1. |
(src) source location |
2. |
marginwidth |
3. |
marginheight |
4. |
frameborder |
5. |
scrolling |
6. |
noresize |
(inside angle brackets)
frameset rows=" 35%, * "
frame src="F:\Wallpapers\Technology\logo_rave2.jpg" frameborder="1" noresize
frameset cols=" 45%, * "
frame src="F:\Wallpapers\Technology\stock-vector.jpg" marginwidth="0"
frame src="F:\Wallpapers\Technology\stock-vector.jpg" marginwidth="0"
HTML Forms
A form is simply an area that can contain form fields. Form fields are objects that allow the visitor to enter information.
The "form" tag tells the browser where the form starts and ends. You can add all kinds of HTML tags between the "form" and "/form" tags. When a form is submitted, all fields on the form are being sent.
These following fields can be added to the forms in HTML:- Text Box, List Box, Radio Button, Check Box, Edit Box, Button.
Here are the tags that are most commonly used while creating forms.
1."input" tag
2."textarea" tag
3."select" tag
example:-(insides angle brackets)
First name: input type="text" name="first name"
last name: input type="text" name="last name"
Password: input type="password" name="pwd"
Gender: input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" checked >Male
input type="radio" name="sex" value="female">Female
Interest: input type="checkbox" name="interest" value="sports">Sports
input type="checkbox" name="interest" value="music">Music
input type="checkbox" name="interest" value="read">Reading
Submit Buttons:form name="input" action="html_form_action.asp" method="get">
Username: input type="text" name="user">
input type="submit" value="submit">
textarea rows="3" cols="30">
Textarea is a control that allows the user to input text over multiple rows.
Introduction to XHTML