Friday 10 November 2017

Keyboard Keys name

Know About Keyboard:-   
We konw that there are generally five types of keys
  1. Alphbate keys (a,b,c,....z)
  2. Number keys (1,2,3,.....0)
  3. Punctuations Symbols (:, ; , - , *,&,@,....)
  4. Function Keys (F1, F2,F3,.......F12)
  5. Special Keys (space bar, shift, ctrl., alt...)
1. Alphabate Keys :-  A to Z all alphates.

2. Number Keys :- 1 to 9 and 0 include here.

3. Punctuations Symbols :- All sign/symbols keys
  • ~                Tild
  • `                 Acute, back Quote, push
  • !                 Exclamation mark , bang
  • @               At symbol, ampersat
  • #                Hash, pound, number
  • $                Dollar sign, genric currency
  • %               Percent
  • ^                Caret, circumflex
  • &               And, Ampersand
  • *                Asteric, multiplication symbol, star
  • (                Open Parenthesis
  • )                Close Parenthesis
  • -                Hypen, minus, dash
  • _               Underscore
  • =               Equal
  • +               Plus
  • \                Backward Slash
  • |                OR, Pipe, Vertical Bar
  • [                Open Bracket
  • {               Open Brace, Curly Bracket
  • ]               Close Bracket
  • }               Close Brace, Curly Bracket
  • ;                Semicolon
  • :                Colon
  • '                 Single Quote, Apostrophe
  • "               Double Quotes, Quotation Mark, Inverted Comma
  • ,                Comma
  • <               Open Angle Bracket, Less than Symbol
  • .                Full Stop, Dot, Period
  • >               Close Angle Bracket, Greater than
  • /                Farwaord Slash, Question Mark
4. Function Keys :- These are commomnly used for
  • F1             Help
  • F2             Rename
  • F3             Search
  • F4             Open Address Bar in Windows Explorer and Inernet Explorer
  • F5             Refresh
  • F6             Move the cursor to address bar in Internet Explorer
  • F7             Spell And Grammer Check
  • F8             Access for windows Safe Mode
  • F9             Refersh Document in MS Word, Send Mail from Outlook
  • F10           Activate Menu Bar for a Application
  • F11           Enter and Exit Full Screen in Internet Explorer
  • F12           Open Save as in MS Word
5. Special Keys :- Perform Various Actions. like Caps Lock for Upper case, Spacebar for Blank Space and so on.

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